Louis Redd, an eighth-grade math teacher at Stuart Academy, is committed to being a source of positive change among his students at the school, so committed that he traveled over 2,000 miles to do so. His undergraduate degree is business administration, and he had originally thought he wanted to be an entrepreneur or possibly go […]
On January 25, 2023, we presented an online event to share more about why and how Teach Kentucky does what it does. We feature the leaders of Teach Kentucky – Rowan Claypool, president and founder of Teach Kentucky as well as Carl L. Williams, Sr.,board chair of Teach Kentucky. You also hear directly from Teach […]
While there are some individuals who decide as teenagers to become teachers and stay on that path throughout their lives (kudos to them!), most people’s professional trajectory looks a little more crooked and winding. They may think about going into the education field but find that something else grabs their attention in college. For some […]
Teaching can definitely feel overwhelming, even if you’ve taken all the courses and done student teaching and networked with other educators. It is a little like parenthood: you can plan and prepare all you want, but you don’t really understand the work until or unless you do it. Some people come to teaching (and parenthood) […]
At the end of the summer training, Teach Kentucky hosted the newest class of teachers at the Teach Kentucky Symposium. During the celebratory event, Board Chair Carl L. Williams, Sr., and President and Founder Rowan Claypool encouraged the teachers in preparation for entering the classroom. After that, veteran Teach Kentucky teachers shared insider tips about […]
To help combat the teacher shortage, Jefferson County Public Schools has entered into a new agreement with local nonprofit Teach Kentucky to attract and retain qualified candidates to the school system. The agreement marks the maturation of a long-running 21-year institutional relationship. “Establishing this new partnership is a milestone in our relationship, moving Teach Kentucky […]
Lauren Niemann (2010 Cohort) teaches a self-designed Environmental Science class at Fern Creek in Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS). Below she shares some of the exciting work she’s currently leading in JCPS, while raising young children with husband and fellow TKY alumn, Jacob Reed (2009).