Teach Kentucky - Launching Education Careers, Shaping Futures
Introducing Teach Kentucky’s Mid-Year Start Teachers: A New Wave of Educators
When we think about Back to School time, August and September usually come to mind. However, Teach Kentucky is proud to announce a remarkable group of new teachers who will be embarking on their education careers in the middle of the academic year. We extend a warm welcome to Branden McMichael, Kristen Miller, Danielle Moreau, […]
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Life in Louisville
Teach Kentucky Community
Teacher Induction and Support
The Education Industry
Asbury ,
Career ,
certifications ,
coaches ,
community ,
degrees ,
education ,
Louisville ,
Master of Arts in Teaching ,
mentors ,
Spalding ,
Students ,
substitute teachers ,
teaching assistants ,
University of Louisville ,
Louisville a top ten U.S. city for home ownership
Louisville provides the cultural offerings that rival those of larger metropolitan areas where it is difficult to live comfortably on a teacher’s salary. Our affordable city is a place where educators can build a career and a home.